Born 1956 in Espoo, Finland
Professor at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Stockholm, 1996–2005
Lives and works in Stockholm,Sweden and Tammmela,Finland
1982–83 Pratt Institute, New York, USA
1975–79 School of the Finnish Academy of Fine Arts, Helsinki, Finland
Frida Cornell – 2012 Portraits and Paintings
Marja-Terttu Kivirinta – 2007 Code of Colour, Place for Emotions
Håkan Nilsson – 2005 Mari Rantanen Svenska Bilder
Leena-Maija Rossi – 2001 Public / Private
Thomas Millroth – 1997 Mari Rantanen
Timo Valjakka – 1992 Nordic Art Review
Timo Valjakka interview – 2007 Code of Colour, Place for Emotions
Leena-Maija Rossi interview – 1992 Journal of Contemporary Art
2015 Traces of Desire, exhibition katalog #123 Hishult Konsthall, Sweden
2012 Mari Rantanen Portraits and Paintings,”Everything is Illuminated”text by Frida Cornell.Published by Korjaamo Galleria Finland
2007 Mari Rantanen Paintings 1986–2007, Code of Color, place for Emotions. Hot color, Wavering light. Walking with Mari Rantanen´s paintings, text by Marja-Terttu Kivirinta. Spaces and Places for Emotions. A conversation between Mari Rantanen and Timo Valjakka. Published by LIKE, Finland.
2005 Swedish pictures. Mari Rantanen: Skiktningar och sammanfältningar, text by Håkan Nilsson. Published in Stockholm Sweden.
2001 ”Public / Private” Mari Rantanen.” Lived Space in Color” text by Leena-Maija Rossi. Published in Helsinki, Finland.
1997 Exhibition catalog Ystad Art Museum. Text by Thomas Millroth.
1990 Exhibition catalog Galerie Artek, ”Inside the Cloud-Chamber” text by Steven R. Dixon. Published in Helsinki, Finland.
1990 Mari Rantanen, Exhibition catalog Nordic Artcenter publication nr 4. Texts by Halldór Björn Runólfsson and Steven R. Dixon.
1985 Exhibition catalog Galerie Kaj Forsblom. Text by Timo Valjakka. Published in Helsinki, Finland.
Exhibition Catalogs and Books selection
015 Dark Days, Bright Nights, Contemporary painting from Finland, published by Kemper Art Museum of Contemporary Art, Kansas City, USA. Text by Timo Vaijakka and Barbara O`Brian ISBN.978-0-9962728-1-0
2011 Muutosten Pyörteissä, text by Maaretta Jaukkuri, Finnish Literature Society, SKST 1333/Tieto, Helsinki, Finland.
2010 Raqsh & Naqsh, exhibition catalog, Sharjah Contemporary Art Museum, Sharjah, UAE.
2009 Måleriets rum, Håkan Nilsson (Mari Rantanen:Rumsbilder), Axl Books, Stockholm, Sweden.
2008 Sam Vanni, opettaja ja esikuva, exhibition catalog, text by Tuula Karjalainen and Mari Rantanen, Helsinki City Art
Museum’s Publication no. 103, Finland.
2008 Sijainteja – Locations, exhibition catalog, text by Mikko Paakkola, Aboa Vetus & Arts Nova, Finland.
2007 Yhdeksän taiteilijaa, Text by Marja-Terttu Kivirinta, (Värit Muuttuvat Valoksi), WS Bookwell Oy, Finland.
2006 Connecting People, Publication of the Vestfossen Kunstlaboratorium, Norway.
2005 Turku Art Museum – 101 Years of Contemporary Art, Turku Art Museum Publications 1/2005, Finland.
2005 Orientalismi – orientens lockelse, Tikanoja Art Museum Publications 2/2005, Finland.
2004 Young Artist of the year, text by Marja-Liisa Linder (1989: Mari Rantanen, Drama and Order), Tampere Art Museum
Publications 116, Finland.
2002 Uniikki 2002, exhibition catalog, text by Pessi Rautio, Visual arts in Fiskars, Onoma, Finland.
2002 Rovaniemi Art Museum, Finland.
2002 Måleri & Måleri, exhibition catalog, text by Fred Andersson, Kristinehamns Art Museum, Sweden.
2001 Today’s Future, exhibiton catalog, Vantaa City museum/Visual Arts publications no. 7, Finland.
2000 Pensselit Padassa, Mirja Von Knorring, (Mari Rantanen ja Meksikon maut), Otava, Finland.
2001 Samtidskonst i Akademiska Hus, texts by Christina Rogestam and Katarina Swanström, Akademiska Hus AB, Sweden.
2000 Statens Konstråds Årskatalog, Statens Konstråd, Stockholm, Sweden.
1999 Taide Vallassa, Leena-Maija Rossi, Kustannus Oy Taide, Finland.
1999 Mäntän kuvataideviikot, exhibition catalog, Mäntän Kuvataiteen ystävät ry, Finland.
1998 Sette Artisti Scandinavi A Scafati, Paulina Sokolow, Grafica Fonsor, Palazzo, Italy.
1997 Collection of the Aine Pictorial Art Foundation, Katriina Pietilä-Juntura, Aine Art Museum, Tornio, Finland
1997 Collection of Contemporary Art, Henna and Pertti Niemistö, Hämeenlinna Art Museum publication 4/1997, Finland.
1995 Taidetta – Samtidskonst från Finland (Mari Rantanen), text by Tom Sandqvist, Stockholm, Sweden.
1995 Viipula Vaapula Vot, Katriina Pietilä-Juntura, Aine Art Museum, Tornio, Finland.
1995 Skapelser for 26 Churchs i Götene, Lidköping, Mariestad, Skara, exhibition catalog, text by Thomas Millroth, Sweden.
1994 Art in Parliament House, Painatuskeskus Oy, Helsinki, Finland.
1994 Modernia vai postmodernia, Asko Mäkelä, City of Vantaa, Finland.
1994 2+8, Modern Art From Finland, Leo Malinen, Published by Maailman sivu Oy, Finland.
1993 Real, text by Peter Herbstreuth and Timo Valjakka, (Mari Rantanen), Nordic Arts Center, Finland.
1993 Museum of Contemporary art Guide, Kaija Kaitavuori, Helsinki, Finland.
1993 Transit, exhibition catalog, texts by Timo Valjakka ja Minna Tarkka, Vesanpaino Oy, Helsinki.
1992 Rovaniemi Art Museum. Finland.
1992 I like it!, exhibition catalog, Lahti Art Museum, Finland.
1991 Kunst Europa, Kulturbühne Europa 1991, Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutscher Kunstvereine, Deutschland
1991 Koko hajanainen kuva – Suomalaisen taiteen 80-luku, Marja-Terttu Kivirinta ja Leena-Maija Rossi, WSOY, Finland.
1990 Rauma Biennale Balticum, Distances, text by Timo Valjakka, (Mari Rantanen), Rauma Art Museum, Finland.
1990 Art of the Pohjola Group, Algraphics Oy, Tampere, Finland.
1989 Vuoden nuori taiteilija, texts by Maaretta Jaukkuri and Stephen Westfall, Tampere Art Museum Publication XXV(I1) Finland
1986 Suomen Taide / 6, Markku Valkonen, Olli Valkonen, published by WSOY, Finland.
1986 Contacts/Contrasts 4 by the river, text by Tiina Nyrhinen Pori Art museum Publications 10. Pori, Finland.
1986 Den Älskades Bild, exhibition catalog, Gertrud Sandqvist, Pyynikinlinna Publications, Finland.
1986 Attituder: Attitudes, exhibition catalog, the Artist Association of Finland, text by Timo Valjakka, Finland.
1986 Hearing, exhibition catalog, text by Altti Kuusamo and Mari Rantanen, The Artist Union of Finland Publications,
1985 Aurora, text by Timo Valjakka, (Mari Rantanen), Nordic Arts Center Publications, Helsinki, Finland.
1982 XIV Festival International de la Peinture, exhibition catalog, France.
1981 Art Today Sapporo Triennale, exhibition catalog, Sapporo, Japan.
Honorary Prize of Paul Hedqvist Foundation, Sweden 2012
Honorary Prize of Maire Gullichsen Foundation, Finland 1997
Young Finnish Artist of the Year, 1989
Third prize, mural painting competition for the Oulu Music Center, Finland 1983
Solo Exhibitions
2016 Pictor Galleria Vihdin Kunta Karhumäenpolku 5 Nummela, Finland
Hangmen Projects Together with Axel Liber Ringvägen 86 Stockholm, Sweden
2015 Distance-Absence ArtHelix, Brooklyn, NY USA
Traces of Desire Hishult Art Hall, Sweden
Kemper Museum of Contemporary Art 4420 Wawick Bulevard,kansas City, USA
2014 Art Helix, Bushwick, New York USA
Old Flames-New Frieds, Kungssbacka art hall Kungsbacka, Sweden
2012 Korjaamo Galleria, Helsinki, Finland
Norrtälje Arthall, Norrtälje, Sweden
2011 Taidesalonki Husa, Tampere, Finland
2010 DaDa Post, Berlin, Germany
Bror Hjorths Hus, Uppsala, Sweden
Institut Finlandais, Paris ,France
Korjaamo Galleria, Helsinki, Finland
2008 Västerås Art Museum, Västerås, Sweden
Aboa Vetus & Ars Nova Art Museum, Turku, Finland with Yves Zurstrassen
Galleri Mårtenson&Persson, Båstad, Sweden
2007 Skövde Arthall, Skövde, Sweden
Finsk-Norsk Institute, Oslo, Norway
Turku Art Museum, Turku, Finland
Kunsthalle Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
2006 Korjaamo Galleria, Helsinki, Finland
Andréhn-Schiptjenko, Stockholm, Sweden
Örebro Arthall, Örebro Sweden
2005 Kuopio Art Museum, Kuopio, Finland
Aine Art Museum, Tornio, Finland
Galerie Forsblom, Helsinki, Finland
Uddvalla Arthall, Bohusläns Art Museum, Sweden
Millesgården Arthall, Stockholm, Sweden
2004 Länsmuseet Gävle, Sweden, with My Ekman
Taidesalonki Husa, Tampere, Finland
2003 Eskilstuna Museum of Art, Eskilstuna, Sweden
Galleri Mårtenson&Persson, Båstad, Sweden
2002 Galerie Forsblom, Helsinki, Finland
Andréhn-Schiptjenko, Stockholm, Sweden
2001 Taidesalonki Husa, Tampere, Finland
Galerie Forsblom Turku, Finland
2000 Galerie Forsblom, Helsinki
Konstnärshuset, Grafik Galeriet, Stockholm, Sweden
1998 Andréhn-Schiptjenko, Stockholm, Sweden
Galerie Artek, Helsinki, Finland
1997 Ystad Art Museum, Ystad, Sweden
1996 Galleri Pintura, Helsinki, Finland
Galerie Artek, Helsinki, Finland
1995 Andréhn-Schiptjenko, Stockholm, Sweden
Rantagalleria, Turku, Finland
Galerie Van der Tann, Berlin, Germany
1994 Galerie Artek Helsinki, Finland
Taidesalonki Husa, Tampere, Finland
1993 Pyynikinlinna, Tampere, Finland
Taidesalonki Bell’arte, Turku, Finland
Gallerie von der Tann, Berlin, Germany
1992 Galerie Artek, Helsinki, Finland
1991 Anette Gullberg Galleri, Cologne, Germany
North-Norwegian Art Museum, Tromso, Norway
Taidesalonki Bellárte, Turku, Finland with Jon Arne Mogstad, Finland
1990 Nordic House, Faroe Islands, Denmark
Nordic House, Reykjavik, Iceland
Galleri Nordanstad-Skarstedt, Stockholm, Sweden
Galerie Artek, Helsinki, Finland
1989 Galleria Valkoinen Huone, Tampere, Finland
Tampere Art Museum, Tampere, Finland
1988 Galleri Contur, Stockholm, Sweden
1987 Taidesalonki Husa, Tampere, Finland
Galerie Artek, Helsinki, Finland
Galleri F 15, Moss, Norway
1986 Galleria Uusikuva, Kotka, Finland
1985 Hanasaaren Kulttuurikeskus, Espoo, Finland
Galerie Kaj Forsblom, Helsinki, Finland
Galleri Lång, Malmö, Sweden
1984 Galerie Ackermann, Helsinki, Finland
1983 Galleri Sankt Olof, Norrköping, Sweden
Painters Gallery, Helsinki, Finland
1981 Painters Gallery, Helsinki, Finland
1979 Niemelän Kartano, Heinola, Finland
Group Exhibitions
2016 Dark Days-Bright Nights Contemporary Art From Finland Kemper Museum of Contemporary Art 4420 Wawick Bulevard,kansas City, USA
2015 Grande finale, Korjaamo Galleria Helsinki, Finland
Postmodernism 1980-1995 Desing Museo Korkeavuorenkatu 23, Helsinki, Finland
2014 Kiasma goes to Taidehalli, Helsinki art hall, Finland
2013 “Blue Velvet”, Aboa Vetus-Ars Nova, Turku,Finland
Pyhäniemen Kartano ,Pyhäniemi, Finland
Vuoden Nuoret Taiteilijat,Gumbostrand konst & form,Söderkulla,Finland
2012 Vuoropuheluja Samtal,Tikanojan Taidekoti Vaasa,Finland
2011 Baltic – Paintings From Five Cities, Korjaamo Galleria, Helsinki, Finland
Spatial Places: The Poetics of place, Copper Smithy, Fiskars, Finland
5 Konst professor, Danart, Simrishamn, Sweden
2010 Naqsh & Raqsh, 13 session of Islamic Art Festival, Sharjah Contemporary Art Museum, Sharjah, UAE
Cool Water, Korjaamo Galleria, Helsinki, Finland
2009 Galleri Mårtensson & Persson, Stockholm, Sweden
Galleri Mårtensson & Persson, Båstad, Sweden
Art in Office, Stockholm, Sweden
2008 Sam Vanni, Teacher and Master, Helsinki City Art Museum, Helsinki, Finland
2007 Taidekeskus Salmela, Mäntyharju, Finland
Monotypi-Typ, Konstnärshuset, Stockholm, Sweden
2006 Bara Färg, Göteborgs Museum of Art, Sweden
Connecting People, Vestfossen Kunstlaboratorium, Norge
2005 Joulutähti, Galerie Forsblom, Helsinki, Finland
Orientalisim, Tikanoja Art Museum, Vaasa and Salo Art Museum, Salo, Finland
The Armory Show, Andréhn-Schiptjenko, New York, USA
2004 Landscape of Power, Sara Hildén Art Museum, Tampere Finland
The Armory Show, Andréhn-Schiptjenko, New York, USA
2003 The Expanded Book, Färgfabriken, Stockholm
2002 ISCP Open Studios, New York, USA
Unique 2002, Fiskars Village, Finland
2001 Love and Freedom, Pyynikinlinna, Tampere, Finland
Todays Future, Vantaa City Art Museum, Vantaa, Finland
The Wihuri Art Collection, Kunsthalle Helsinki and Galerie Skulptor, Helsinki, Finland
Painting about Painting, Kristinehamns Art Museum, Kristinehamn, Sweden
Eukabeut-Event, CMU Art Musem, Chiangmai, Thailand
2000 Konstnärsböcker, Galleri Neon, Brösarp, Sweden
Nordic Postmodernism, Kiasma Museum of Contemporary Art, Helsinki, Finland
Stockholm Art Fair, Galerie Forsblom, Sweden
1999 Art Biennal of Finnish Art, Mänttä, Finland
Teachers R Us, Bror Hjorts Hus, Uppsala, Sweden
Junge Europäische Kunst Finland, Aschersleber Kunst & Kulturverein, Germany
1998 7:1, Arte Skandia, Galeria de Arte Moderna di Scafate Provinca di Salerno, Campania, Italy
1997 Oulu Museum of Art, Oulu, Finland
Amos Anderson Art Museum, Helsinki, Finland
1996, 97 Taidetta, Norrköpings Art Museum, Norrköping, Sweden
Båtmanskasarena Karlskrona, Skövde Art Hall, Sweden
Västerås Art museum, Sundsvalls Art Museum, Sweden
KUB Kulturcentrum, Helsingborg, Sweden
Konstens Hus, Luleå, Sweden
1996 Önske Utställning, Ystads Artmuseum, Ystad, Sweden
1995 Varkaus City Art Museum, Varkaus, Finland
Voralbergisches Landesmuseum, Bregenz, Austria
Stadtmuseum Nordico, Linz, Austria
Galerie Bassi, Remagen, Germany
Galerie Welt Sastbory, Austria
Galerie im Taxis Palais, Innsbruck, Austria
Skapelser, Churches at Skaraborgs County, Sweden
1994 Crossing Over, Changing Places, Helsinki City Art Museum, Helsinki, Finland
Galleri Bergman, Gothenburg, Sweden
To Read, Nordic Art Center, Helsinki, Finland
Nicolas Aleksander Gallery, New York, NY, USA
Postmodern or Modern, From the collection of the Museum of Contemporary Art, Helsinki, Myyrmaki Center, Vantaa, Finland
Gallerie Von Der Tann, Berlin, Germany
Galerie Johans S, Porvoo, Finland
13th International fair of Prints, Grechen, Germany
Galerie im Kreishaus, Cuxhaven, Germany
1993 Galerie im Bildumngszentrum, Wolfenrutel, Germany
Galleria Andromeda, Mikkeli, Finland
Rathaus-galerie, Leverkusen, Germany
Galerie M Kreishaus, Celle, Germany
Transit, National Gallery of Finland, Helsinki, Finland
Galerie Kaj Forsblom, Turku, Finland
Saga Print Fair, Paris, France
Real, Nordic Art Center, Helsinki, Finland; and Kunstv. Lune, Dormund, Germany
Paintings, Graham Modern Gallery, New York, USA
1992 Local Fauna, New York, USA
Norrsken 92, Biennale for Young Artists, Gothenburg Art Museum, Sweden
I Like It, Lahti Art Museum, Finland
Galleria Sirius, Jyväskylä, Finland
Galleria Duetto, Helsinki, Finland
1991 Pleasure, Hallwalls Center for Contemporary Art, Buffalo, New York, USA
Kunst Europa 91, Rosendahl Kunstverein, Munchen, Germany
Nordic Art / New York, Frank Bustamente Gallery, New York, USA
1990 Galleria Valkoinen Huone, Tampere, Finland
Baltic Biennale, Rauma Art Museum, Rauma, Finland
Purnu, Orivesi, Finland
1989 The 125th Anniversary of the Artists Association of Finland,
National Art Museum of Finland; Ateneum, Helsinki, Finland
Small Scale Abstraction, Art in General, New York, USA
Five New Painters, John Davis Gallery, New York, USA
Stockholm Art Fair, Sweden
1988 John Davis Gallery, New York, New York, USA
Alex Gallery, Washington D.C., USA
1987 Drawn Out, Kansas City Art Institute, Kansas City, USA
Galleri Contur, Stockholm, Sweden
Fruit, Kunsthalle Helsinki, Finland
Taidesalonki Bell’arte, Turku, Finland
By the River, Contemporary Finnish Art, Pori Art Museum, Pori, Finland
1986 Attitudes, Aalborg Art Museum, Denmark; Art Hall of Södertälje, Sweden; Kjarvalstadir, Reykjavik, Iceland
New Finnish Art of the 1980’s, Gallery OTSO, Espoo; Oulu Museum of Art; Mikkeli Art Museum, Finland
Contacts / Contrasts, Pori Art Museum, Finland
1986 Purnu, Orivesi, Finland
Picture of the Beloved, Pyynikinlinna, Tampere, Finland
Listening, Kunsthalle Helsinki, Finland
1985 Aurora, Nordic Art Center, Helsinki, Finland
Galleria Krista Mikkola, Helsinki, Finland
Stockholm Art Fair, Sweden
1984 ”Infallvinklar”, Länsmuseet, Örebro, Sweden
1984 Stockholm Art Fair, Stockholm, Sweden
1984 Finnish Art, Riihimäki Art Museum, Riihimäki, Finland
1983 By the River, New Finnish Art, Pori Art Museum
Three Artists, Helsinki City Art Gallery, Finland
1982 XIV Festival International de la Peinture, Cagnes-sur Mer, France
1981 Nine Finnish Artists – Travelling Exhibition in Sweden
Triennale of Sapporo, Sapporo, Japan
1980, 84 State Exhibition, Helsinki, Finland
1978–84Exhibition of the Young Artists’, Helsinki Art Hall, Finland
1979, 81, 83, 85 Annual Exhibition of Finnish Artists’, Kunsthalle Helsinki, Finland
1979 7 Young Artists Galleri G, Helsinki, Finland
Aboa Vetus & Ars Nova Art Museum, Turku, Finland
Aine Art Museum, Tornio, Finland
Amos Andersson Art Museum, Helsinki, Finland
Borås Art Museum, Sweden
Eskilstuna Museum of Art, Sweden
Göteborg Museum of Art, Sweden
Helsinki City Art Museum, Finland
Hämeenlinna Art Museum, Finland
Imatra Art Museum, Finland
Kajaani Art Museum, Finland
Kouvola Art Museum, Finland
Kuopio Art Museum, Finland
Lahti Art Museum, Finland
Museum of Contemporary Art, Kiasma, Helsinki, Finland
Norrköping Art Museum, Sweden
Oulu Museum of Art, Finland
Pori Art Museum, Finland
Rovaniemi Art Museum, Finland
Sara Hildén Art Museum, Tampere, Finland
Skövde Art Museum, Sweden
Tampere Art Museum, Finland
Turku Art Museum, Finland
Uppsala Art Museum, Sweden
Västerås Art Museum, Sweden
Wäinö Aaltonen Museum of Art, Turku, Finland
Akzo Nobel Art Foundation, the Netherlands
Alko Oy, Finland
Barkleys Bank DLC, London, England
City of Espoo, Finland
City of Kotka, Finland
City of Lahti, Finland
City of Kuopio, Finland
City of Malmo, Sweden
City of Norrköping, Sweden
City of Oslo, Norway
City of Salo, Finland
City of Stockholm, Sweden
City of Tampere, Finland
City of Turku, Finland
City of Vantaa, Finland
City of Örebro, Sweden
State of Finland
State of Sweden
Ev. Lutherian Parish of Helsinki, Finland
Ev. Lutherian Parish of Mikkeli, Finland
Ev. Lutherian Parish of Turku, Finland
Insurance Company of Kansa, Finland
Insurance Company of Pohjola, Finland
Konst i Länet, The municipality of Uppsala, Sweden
KOP Bank Collection, Finland
Next Collection, Sweden
OKO Bank Collection, New York, USA
Provinzial Art Collection, Dusseldorf, Germany
Paulo Foundation Finland
Saastamoinen Art Collection, Finland
SKOP Bank Collection, Finland
The municipality of Nacka, Sweden
Turun Alueen Säästöpankki Collection, Finland